Hello gorgeously B-E-A-Utiful people. I know today is Easter on the new day of the month ( which I still think is the funniest shit in the world.), I wanted to write this little update on most of the things that have happened in the last couple of months.
- Boom Tune Lounge has returned to the air waves on SCAD Atlanta Radio & this season is the Final Tour (on the radio). I can't believe we've finally come to this point in BTL were I'm ending the radio show!
- Last two months I've been dealing with dental issues that required two operations in my mouth. One was a draining then the other was a root canal ( neither one was fucking enjoyable) I can safely say im all good now.
- All throughout the first 3 months of this year I ended up having to produce 4 short films for one of my classes and one of them was a film I directed! It's my take on the noir genre so sadly it was all in black and white(I liked the natural colors that was captured plus I just like seeing color). There's things I like about it there's many thingsI don't like about it, but here it is
Hush from Andrew J. Etheridge on Vimeo.
- If you've been following BluePrint you've probably noticed the lack of posts on Instagram and YouTube (it's been quiet for a minute) Because of all the production at school and dental issues I've just haven't had the time to work on anything worth sharing with you guys. Now things are starting to get less hectic I'll have more time to start prep for alot of BluePrint ideas.
Well that's about all I have to share with you guys so enjoy the rest of this Easter's Fool day!
Hope You Enjoy!!!