Saturday, August 27, 2011

Week 2 Over

Yes it's the end of the school week and time for the WEEKEND(yay). It's so sad that I already can't wait for our first break and it's only the SECOND FREAKING WEEK OF SCHOOL. So sad. Since I finally have time to sleep longer than 7 o'clock(*_*) in the morning I have a pretty good idea as to my first blog project. So if you don't know already DC Comics is relaunching all their comics and starting off fresh with 52 new issue 1's. That's from  redesigns of classic costumes and storylines and alot more other stuff. Personally I'm kinda excited about some of the designs and storys being told,but at the same time what scares me is the continuity. I've recently started reading comics for about two years now and the first comic I pick was Teen Titans. What got me to pick it up was artwork, then the story. So to me even though i don't know much about the history it does'nt feel right that it's going to be less relevant if that makes sense.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Hello fellow blogging fiends; and welcome to my(soon to-be awesome) blog. For those of you who probably don't know who I am my name is Andrew(Or Bluedog24wolf) and I'm an aspiring artist who wants to break into the animation biz. I deiced to start this little blogging thing because I think it will be a good way for me to release all the stress of school and great motivator for me to do more drawings on a weekly basis( I've become lazy during the summer vacation). 

 So most of the things you'll be seeing here will be most of my personal artwork and graphic design. Also alot of other stuff that I may find interesting.

Hope you enjoy